Monday, April 20, 2009

Memories of an Angel...

An angel left to become a star
Memories are all that are left behind..
Yet, while away you watch me on ..
So when i am in darkness, be a guiding light.

Every sweetness you embodied, ever so warm
In my every laugh and cry you joined..
With the wisdom of a teacher,with love of a friend
Every fault you did forgive, every kindness did remind.

You spread ur wings to cover us all...
You brought hearts together, that were distant to bind
Amidst any sadness, a happiness u did find
A heart far bigger than ur home, u always had..

A silver lining you always sought
Ushered beauty into life with an income so few
Cheer and smiles you had always brought
Despite much in life u had been through

I saw u sit and watch me become a bride.
Frail, weak and weary u had become
U watched me with all happiness and pride
Your legacy of strength, I shall hope to carry

Much was different from what you had prayed..
But full of hope and faith, u still stayed..
The sun had set, and will not rise tomorrow...
I look at the skies, and know u shall prevail..

I knew that this day would be seen
Yet bitter is the pill to swallow.
I have your memories to cherish and keep
Dearest paati, will always love u...


  1. A most wonderful eulogy. U must have loved her lots -my condolences.

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your patti :( :(.
    I wrote something for my patti then as well...

  3. I am very sorry to hear about paati. My condolences

    I stumbled on your blog this morning. Very nice work. Love the pictures that accompanies each blog, very apt.

  4. Thanks Satish...
    Raaga, ur writing is most wonderful...I hope to keep up with ur discipline
    Aparna, Thanks a lot for your comments...Currently using the pics to compensate for the writing :) !!..

  5. The memories shall stay and guide you for sure Priya :)

  6. Dear Priya,
    Those are beautiful words. I'm really sorry for your loss. may you find strength in trying times.
    with love,
